Rescuing Fiction and Non-Fiction | Darius Foroux and his 100 books for you to read.

What I'm going to give you here is not all of Foroux's 100 recommended books (there will be a link to them at the end), only those of the 100 that I have read, and why I think you should, or shouldn't read them. Here's my selection: (1) Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. One of Rome's … Continue reading Rescuing Fiction and Non-Fiction | Darius Foroux and his 100 books for you to read.

Rescuing Fiction | The Most Influential Sci-Fi Books of all Time by K. W. Colyard

When I saw the title of this post by K.W. Colyard, I felt my usual reaction of mild curiosity mixed with scepticism. A reader of SF since the 1950s, I've found most commentary of this kind disappointingly superficial, and sometimes outright wrong. What a surprise was in store for me. Kristian Wilson Colyard is an … Continue reading Rescuing Fiction | The Most Influential Sci-Fi Books of all Time by K. W. Colyard

Rescuing the Future | Artificial Intelligence | Will Einstein come back?

Despite the dark clouds approaching our civilization in 2022, here is why I'm looking forward to the future anyway. One of my favorite SF stories is one by Frederick Pohl in which the protagonist, who I'll call Ted, travels about the galaxy in his personal spaceship with an AI associate that manifests itself in the … Continue reading Rescuing the Future | Artificial Intelligence | Will Einstein come back?